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Showing posts with the label currency

Hexogen Cryptocurrency: The Next Epic Thing

Hexogen Cryptocurrency The Next Epic Cryptocurrency   There are over 5,000 cryptocurrencies in the world right now and more are still emerging. A lot of these coins are scams, while others were created for some purposes e.g to sell their subscribers data to third parties businesses. Others were genuine endeavors and projects but due to their lack of S.M.A.R.T goals, they couldn’t reach their potentials and faded away. That’s why, currently, there are only a handful of well-known and trusted cryptocurrencies that are dominating the digital currency world. They include(but not exclusive to them) Bitcoin(the pioneering crypto), Ethereum and Litecoin. Well, I’m here to introduce to you, the next possible emergent cryptocurrency- Hexogen. Hexogen is a new, fresh, emerging cryptocurrency that’s set to change the digital currency landscape. Invented by a visionary and led by a team of diverse personnel who are driven and propelled to usher in innovations that will the digital cu


Welcome CRYPTO CURRENCY Today, we’ll be discussing, briefly, cryptocurrency. We’ll try to understand in a layman’s terms the basic details that encapsulates cryptocurrency. What is cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency is digital or virtual money. That means there’s no physical coin or bill — it’s all online. You can transfer cryptocurrency to someone online without a go-between, like a bank. Bitcoin and Ether are well-known cryptocurrencies, but new cryptocurrencies continue to be created(Consumer Information, 2018). In simple, basic language that’s the definition of cryptocurrency. So as you can see it isn’t rocket science. Though, there are aspects to it they are complicated (we’ll get to that). Cryptocurrencies work using a technology called blockchain. Blockchain is a decentralized technology spread across many computers that manages and records transactions. Part of the appeal of this technology is its security.(NerdWallet, 2021). The blockchain is a complex procedure on it’s own a

What is Pi Money

Welcome Pi Network: The Next Bitcoin???(Part 1) Welcome to my blog. This is the first post on this blog. Today, we ’ ll be discussing the pi network and it ’ s potential of being the next Bitcoin. I will be giving a brief overview and highly encourage you to do your own personal research. Basically, pi network is a digital or virtual currency created by some Stanford graduates. It was created to be supplementary to Bitcoin. Personally, its hard imagining another digital currency overtaking bitcoin but I believe Pi network can do that. I ’ m on the pi network and I ’ ve been mining coins and as such I can   give an unbiased view of the network. Pi network has some advantages over Bitcoin and they include: 1:   it is mobile friendly. It ’ s mobile usability is top notch. Download the ap and use the link, "ElliotToju1" as your referral code. 2: it doesn ’ t consume electricity, or drain one ’ s battery unlike bitcoin. 3: You can mine pi virtual coins on your phone